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Selasa, 25 Desember 2007

Anything About Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber Optic using in condition:
- Above 100 meters that UTP cable can not handle it
- Area with High Electromagnetic. Fiber Optic is not affect with High Electromagnetic because user fiber glass for data transfer
- Need a fixed and reliable connection of data transfer for your networks
- Far area with high data transfer rate. Fiber Optic could reach 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps, 10.000 Mbps.

Physical Cable (usually using Direct Buried Cable): include Jacket from black rubber, stainless jacket, and others poly-thing that protect the Fiber Optic Core.

There is 2 type of Fiber Optic Cable: Multi Mode & Single Mode
Multimode : 50 micron , 62.5 micron (62.5 micron is an old size. now 50 micron is a standard)
Single mode: 9 micron

Multimode 50 micron:
100 Mbps: 2 km
1000 Mbps: < 550 mtr

Singlemode 9 micron:
100 Mbps: 5 km
1000 Mbps: < 2 km

The range above is physically maximum range for the cable. If you use active device such as switch or media converter, it will be more higher range depending on active device.

Pricing: counting per meters

Brands: Netviel, Corning, CCSI, Panduit, Avaya-Systimax, AMP, Voksel, Furukawa

This information is just about Fiber Optic Cable. Not Include Fiber Optic Accessories such as rackmount or wallmount Fiber, Adaptor Coupler, Fiber Optic Connector, Patch Cord Fiber Optic, Termination or Splicing etc. I will provide it in the next blog.

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