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Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2022

Ryobi PST-800 Electric HVLP Paint Sprayer Alat Semprot Cat Otomatis

Ryobi PST-800 Electric HVLP Paint Sprayer Alat Semprot Cat Otomatis

Spesifikasi :

Tegangan 22-2400V 50/60Hz

Masukan daya 700W

Tekanan penyemprotan 0.1 ~ 0.3Bar

Volume udara 1000ml/ menit

Maks. viskositas 50DIN-S

Nozzle 2.5mm

Kapasitas wadah 800ml

Selang udara panjang 3m

Berat bersih 4.5kg

- Powerful 700 watt motor supplies constant flow of paint

- HVLP spraying technology gives a fast, professional finish with no brush-marks

- Variable paint flow control and 3 spray patterns - horizontal, vertical or round, to cope with a variety of surfaces

- Telescopic trolley handle and large wheels for easy transport

- All in one storage feature for storing accessories neatly

- Suitable for interior and exterior use, applying water and oil based paints, lacquers, primers, stains, wood protectives, etc

Berat : 7000 Gram

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