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Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Tp-Link LB120 Smart Lightbulb - Lampu LED Bohlam Adjustable

Tp-Link LB120 Smart Lightbulb - Lampu LED Bohlam Adjustable 

Manage Remotely Control your lights from anywhere with your tablet or smartphone using the free Kasa app (iOS, Android)
Fine-Tune Lighting Dim brightness and fine-tune light appearance from soft white (2700k) to daylight (6500k)
Voice Control Pair to Amazon Alexa and the Google Assistant to enable voice control
Circadian Mode Automatically matches light appearance to time of day
Monitor Power Track real-time energy used to stay informed
Save Energy Reduce energy use up to 80% without brightness or quality loss compared to a 60W incandescent bulb
No Hub Required Connect the bulb to your Wi-Fi at home

Berat : 350 Gram

Harga (Update Januari 2018) : Rp. 499.000,-

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