Kenmaster Kunci Sok 32 pcs - T Wrench Mini 32 pcs
Kualitas terjamin & terbaik
Melalui QC produk dan kemasan
Material besi baja
Cocok untuk sehari2 dan bengkel
Isi 32 pcs kunci sok
Berat : 600 Gram

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Kamis, 29 November 2018
Kenmaster Kunci Sok 32 pcs - T Wrench Mini 32 pcs
Kenmaster Kunci Sok 33 Pcs - Screwdriver Socket Wrench Set 33pcs
Kenmaster Kunci Sok 33 Pcs - Screwdriver Socket Wrench Set 33pcs
Kunci Socket 33 PCS Kenmaster
Terdiri dari :
10 PCS-1/4” DR.SOCKET : 4mm,5mm,6mm,7mm,8mm,9mm,10mm,11mm,12mm,13mm.
Berat : 615 Gram
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Kunci Socket 33 PCS Kenmaster
Terdiri dari :
10 PCS-1/4” DR.SOCKET : 4mm,5mm,6mm,7mm,8mm,9mm,10mm,11mm,12mm,13mm.
Berat : 615 Gram
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Happy Call Aluminium Grill Roaster 32 cm
Happy Call Aluminium Grill Roaster 32 cm
Happy Call Grill
Panggangan terbuat dari aluminium
Murah meriah cocok untuk memanggang sate, ikan, ayam dan lainnya
Diameter 32 cm
Semua Barang sudah Dicek tanpa ada Penyok, Rusak, Pecah, Ada kerusakan saat Pengiriman bukan menjadi tanggung jawab kami
Berat : 1.100 Gram
Harga ( Updated Juni 2019) : Rp. 39.500,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Happy Call Grill
Panggangan terbuat dari aluminium
Murah meriah cocok untuk memanggang sate, ikan, ayam dan lainnya
Diameter 32 cm
Semua Barang sudah Dicek tanpa ada Penyok, Rusak, Pecah, Ada kerusakan saat Pengiriman bukan menjadi tanggung jawab kami
Berat : 1.100 Gram
Harga ( Updated Juni 2019) : Rp. 39.500,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Rabu, 28 November 2018
Running Waist Bag Belt - Tas Pinggang Olahraga Lari
Running Waist Bag Belt - Tas Pinggang Olahraga Lari
READY WARNA : Biru, Hijau, Hitam, Orange, Pink
Tas cocok untuk Anda gunakan ketika sedang beraktivitas diluar ruangan.
Dengan tas ini, Anda dapat menyimpan barang-barang Anda dengan aman.
Tas pinggang Running Belt ini memiliki dua tempat ekstra untuk penyimpanan barang Anda dan juga memiliki tali elastis yang dapat disesuaikan dengan ukurannya.
Tas pinggang ini tahan terhadap air sehingga sangat cocok untuk Anda gunakan ketika sedang beraktivitas diluar ruangan.
Bahan waterproof..
Panjang 48cm
Warna akan diusahakan sesuai permintaan.
Apabila warna yg diinginkan kosong akan dikirimkan warna yg ready saat itu.
No Complain / No retur.
Membeli = Menyetujui
Berat : 200 Gram
Harga ( Update April 2019 ) : Rp. 11.500,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
READY WARNA : Biru, Hijau, Hitam, Orange, Pink
Tas cocok untuk Anda gunakan ketika sedang beraktivitas diluar ruangan.
Dengan tas ini, Anda dapat menyimpan barang-barang Anda dengan aman.
Tas pinggang Running Belt ini memiliki dua tempat ekstra untuk penyimpanan barang Anda dan juga memiliki tali elastis yang dapat disesuaikan dengan ukurannya.
Tas pinggang ini tahan terhadap air sehingga sangat cocok untuk Anda gunakan ketika sedang beraktivitas diluar ruangan.
Bahan waterproof..
Panjang 48cm
Warna akan diusahakan sesuai permintaan.
Apabila warna yg diinginkan kosong akan dikirimkan warna yg ready saat itu.
No Complain / No retur.
Membeli = Menyetujui
Berat : 200 Gram
Harga ( Update April 2019 ) : Rp. 11.500,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Kenmaster Kunci Sok 26 Pcs - T Wrench Set 26 Pcs
Kenmaster Kunci Sok 26 Pcs - T Wrench Set 26 Pcs
Merk Kenmaster
1pcs bit extension bar
1pcs rachet driver
1pcs driver adaptor
8pcs 1/4 DR. Socket 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm
15pcs Bits
Berat : 600 Gram
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Merk Kenmaster
1pcs bit extension bar
1pcs rachet driver
1pcs driver adaptor
8pcs 1/4 DR. Socket 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm
15pcs Bits
Berat : 600 Gram
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Xander XD-115 Safety Goggle Kacamata Lab Pengaman Pelindung Mata
Xander XD-115 Safety Goggle Kacamata Lab Pengaman Pelindung Mata
Keamanan merupakan suatu persyaratan wajib ketika anda bekerja.
Terutama kerja lapangan atau di laboratorium. Dan salah satu bagian yang sangat rawan ialah mata.
Telah dibahas pada artikel sebelumnya tentang pentingnya alat proteksi diri.
Kacamata merupakan salah satu alat proteksi diri yang wajib untuk di pakai.
Germany Standard
Tangkai yang lebih Fleksibel
Model lebih stylish
sebagai pelindung mata dari partikel berbahaya, asap, debu, dll
Biasanya digunakan di laboratorium, proyek, dll
Berat : 110 Gram
Harga (Update April 2020) : Rp. 17.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Keamanan merupakan suatu persyaratan wajib ketika anda bekerja.
Terutama kerja lapangan atau di laboratorium. Dan salah satu bagian yang sangat rawan ialah mata.
Telah dibahas pada artikel sebelumnya tentang pentingnya alat proteksi diri.
Kacamata merupakan salah satu alat proteksi diri yang wajib untuk di pakai.
Germany Standard
Tangkai yang lebih Fleksibel
Model lebih stylish
sebagai pelindung mata dari partikel berbahaya, asap, debu, dll
Biasanya digunakan di laboratorium, proyek, dll
Berat : 110 Gram
Harga (Update April 2020) : Rp. 17.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Selasa, 27 November 2018
B270 Tas Selempang Waterproof Outdoor
B270 Tas Selempang Waterproof Outdoor
Warna Ready : Kuning, Hitam, Merah, Biru
Bahan: Nylon
Ukuran : 16 x 5 x 35 cm
-Ada kantong dalam
-Ada 3 kantong didepan
-Muat masuk buku tulis
-Bagian tali selempang ada bantalan busa dan kantong serut (bisa utk isi hp /mp3)
Berat : 400 Gram
Harga (Update April 2020) : Rp.39.900,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Warna Ready : Kuning, Hitam, Merah, Biru
Bahan: Nylon
Ukuran : 16 x 5 x 35 cm
-Ada kantong dalam
-Ada 3 kantong didepan
-Muat masuk buku tulis
-Bagian tali selempang ada bantalan busa dan kantong serut (bisa utk isi hp /mp3)
Berat : 400 Gram
Harga (Update April 2020) : Rp.39.900,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Senin, 26 November 2018
Schneider Electric Digilink Connector RJ45 cat 5e cat 6 - Konektor UTP 1 box isi 100 pcs
Schneider Electric Digilink Connector RJ45 cat 5e cat 6 - Konektor UTP 1 box isi 100 pcs
Connector RJ-45 Digilink CAT5e/Cat6 untuk koneksi kabel UTP
100% Original
isi 100pcs
Made in India
Berat : 300 Gram
Harga ( Updated Desember 2021) : Rp. 212.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Connector RJ-45 Digilink CAT5e/Cat6 untuk koneksi kabel UTP
100% Original
isi 100pcs
Made in India
Berat : 300 Gram
Harga ( Updated Desember 2021) : Rp. 212.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Kenmaster Semprotan Air 5 Posisi - Water Sprayer
Kenmaster Semprotan Air 5 Posisi - Water Sprayer
Kepala semprotan air kenmaster 5 posisi ini dengan di putar ujungnya dapat diubah fungsi sebaran airnya.
cocok untuk penggunaan penyiraman kebun, cuci kendaraan, dan kegiatan mencuci lainnya.
Berat : 200 Gram
Harga ( Updated November 2021) : Rp. 12.900,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Kepala semprotan air kenmaster 5 posisi ini dengan di putar ujungnya dapat diubah fungsi sebaran airnya.
cocok untuk penggunaan penyiraman kebun, cuci kendaraan, dan kegiatan mencuci lainnya.
Berat : 200 Gram
Harga ( Updated November 2021) : Rp. 12.900,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
TP-LINK TL-MR6400 300Mbps Wireless N 4G LTE Router
TP-LINK TL-MR6400 300Mbps Wireless N 4G LTE Router
300Mbps Wireless N 4G LTE Router
- Share your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices and enjoy download speeds of up to 150Mbps
- Wireless N speeds of up to 300Mbps
- Integrated antennas provide stable wireless connections
- Requires no configuration - just insert a SIM card and turn it on to enjoy high speed internet access
- LAN/WAN port provides options and flexibility, allowing you to choose your connection type
No Configuration Needed Simply Plug and Play!
With an integrated 4G LTE modem and a built-in SIM card slot, all you need to do is insert a SIM card and turn on the TL-MR6400. Enjoying fast, stable Wi-Fi on a 4G LTE network has never been easier.
Share Your 4G LTE Network
Take full of advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network, which can achieve download speeds of up to 150Mbps. The TL-MR6400 shares your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices, so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads, and smooth video chats. It is also fully compatible with FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE, which are supported by most operators around the world.
Wi-Fi Where You Need It
The TL-MR6400 offers unmatched convenience and versatility. Whether you’re at hom or working in a remote location, the
TL-MR6400 is the perfect solution. Just plug it in to boost on-site productivity and stay connected in a diverse range of environments.
From the exhibition center to the RV, the TL-MR6400 always has you covered.
Internet Access for up to 32
Devices simultaneously
The TL-MR6400 can easily share a 3G/4G connection with up to 32 wireless devices, such as tablets, laptops and mobile phones at the same time. The LAN ports are also ready to provide internet for wired devices like desktop computers.
Easy Management
Set up the TL-MR6400 in minutes thanks to its intuitive web interface and the powrful Tether app. Manage network settings from any Android or iOS device. Control your home network anytime and anywhere.
Berat : 1000 Gram
Harga (Update Mei 2019) : Rp. 1.170.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
300Mbps Wireless N 4G LTE Router
- Share your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices and enjoy download speeds of up to 150Mbps
- Wireless N speeds of up to 300Mbps
- Integrated antennas provide stable wireless connections
- Requires no configuration - just insert a SIM card and turn it on to enjoy high speed internet access
- LAN/WAN port provides options and flexibility, allowing you to choose your connection type
No Configuration Needed Simply Plug and Play!
With an integrated 4G LTE modem and a built-in SIM card slot, all you need to do is insert a SIM card and turn on the TL-MR6400. Enjoying fast, stable Wi-Fi on a 4G LTE network has never been easier.
Share Your 4G LTE Network
Take full of advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network, which can achieve download speeds of up to 150Mbps. The TL-MR6400 shares your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices, so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads, and smooth video chats. It is also fully compatible with FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE, which are supported by most operators around the world.
Wi-Fi Where You Need It
The TL-MR6400 offers unmatched convenience and versatility. Whether you’re at hom or working in a remote location, the
TL-MR6400 is the perfect solution. Just plug it in to boost on-site productivity and stay connected in a diverse range of environments.
From the exhibition center to the RV, the TL-MR6400 always has you covered.
Internet Access for up to 32
Devices simultaneously
The TL-MR6400 can easily share a 3G/4G connection with up to 32 wireless devices, such as tablets, laptops and mobile phones at the same time. The LAN ports are also ready to provide internet for wired devices like desktop computers.
Easy Management
Set up the TL-MR6400 in minutes thanks to its intuitive web interface and the powrful Tether app. Manage network settings from any Android or iOS device. Control your home network anytime and anywhere.
Berat : 1000 Gram
Harga (Update Mei 2019) : Rp. 1.170.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
TP-LINK TL-WPA4220KIT 300Mbps AV500 WiFi Powerline Extender Starter Kit
TP-LINK TL-WPA4220KIT 300Mbps AV500 WiFi Powerline Extender Starter Kit
300Mbps AV500 Wi-Fi Powerline Extender Starter Kit
- One Touch Super Range Extension - Wi-Fi Clone Button simplifies your Wi-Fi configuration and helps build a seamless unified home network
- HomePlug AV standard providing up to 500Mbps1 high speed data transmission over a home’s existing electrical wiring, ideal for lag-free HD or 3D video streaming and online gaming
- Extend 300Mbps wireless connections to previously hard-to-reach areas of your home and office
Wi-Fi Clone
for Seamless Wireless Roaming
Automatically copy the wireless network name (SSID) and Password of your router at the push of a button. After pressing the button, you can place the powerline adapter anywhere and enjoy seamless networking across your entire home or office.
Berat : 800 Gram
Harga (Update November 2018) : Rp. 610.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
300Mbps AV500 Wi-Fi Powerline Extender Starter Kit
- One Touch Super Range Extension - Wi-Fi Clone Button simplifies your Wi-Fi configuration and helps build a seamless unified home network
- HomePlug AV standard providing up to 500Mbps1 high speed data transmission over a home’s existing electrical wiring, ideal for lag-free HD or 3D video streaming and online gaming
- Extend 300Mbps wireless connections to previously hard-to-reach areas of your home and office
Wi-Fi Clone
for Seamless Wireless Roaming
Automatically copy the wireless network name (SSID) and Password of your router at the push of a button. After pressing the button, you can place the powerline adapter anywhere and enjoy seamless networking across your entire home or office.
Berat : 800 Gram
Harga (Update November 2018) : Rp. 610.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
TP-LINK TL-PA4020PKIT 2-Port Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit
TP-LINK TL-PA4020PKIT 2-Port Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit
AV600 2-Port Powerline Adapter with AC Pass Through Starter Kit
- Data transmission rates up to 600Mbps1 over household electrical circuit, ideal for HD video streaming
- Integrated power socket ensures that no power outlet goes to waste
- Plug and play design and easy encryption at a push of the pair button
- Power-Saving Mode automatically reduces power consumption by up to 85%2
The TL-PA4020PKIT turns your home’s existing electrical circuitry into a high speed network with no need for new wires or drilling. No configuration is required, simply plug your adapter into a power socket and you can establish networking infrastructure in a flash. In addition, its integrated power socket makes sure that no power outlet is going to waste. With speeds up to 600Mbps and 300 meters over the household electric wiring, the TL-PA4020PKIT is a great choice for an easy to build multimedia entertainment network.
Berat : 800 Gram
Harga (Update November 2018) : Rp. 580.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
AV600 2-Port Powerline Adapter with AC Pass Through Starter Kit
- Data transmission rates up to 600Mbps1 over household electrical circuit, ideal for HD video streaming
- Integrated power socket ensures that no power outlet goes to waste
- Plug and play design and easy encryption at a push of the pair button
- Power-Saving Mode automatically reduces power consumption by up to 85%2
The TL-PA4020PKIT turns your home’s existing electrical circuitry into a high speed network with no need for new wires or drilling. No configuration is required, simply plug your adapter into a power socket and you can establish networking infrastructure in a flash. In addition, its integrated power socket makes sure that no power outlet is going to waste. With speeds up to 600Mbps and 300 meters over the household electric wiring, the TL-PA4020PKIT is a great choice for an easy to build multimedia entertainment network.
Berat : 800 Gram
Harga (Update November 2018) : Rp. 580.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Fisch MB12LS Vacuum Cleaner 3 in 1 850 Watt - Vacuum Cleaner Rumah
Fisch MB12LS Vacuum Cleaner 3 in 1 850 Watt - Vacuum Cleaner Rumah
Dengan fungsi 3in1 : Basah, Kering, & Meniupkan angin (Blow)
- Bertenaga & Mudah digunakan
- Penyaring udara berlapis
- Tangki dari bahan full stainless
- Terdapat kontrol aliran udara
- Dapat digunakan pada kondisi basah, kering, & meniupkan angin
- Mudah ditempatkan/irit tempat
FREE Aksesoris:
- Water Brush
- Assorted Brush
- Flexible Hose Pipe
- Sponge
- Paper Bag
- Plastic Tube
Power : 220V - 240V 50/60 Hz
Daya Listrik : 850 Watt
Kabel Power : 3,5 Meter
Kapasitas Tangki : 7 Lt
Berat Bersih : 4,6 Kg
Ukuran Kemasan : 28 x 28 x 43cm
Berat : 6.300 Gram
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Dengan fungsi 3in1 : Basah, Kering, & Meniupkan angin (Blow)
- Bertenaga & Mudah digunakan
- Penyaring udara berlapis
- Tangki dari bahan full stainless
- Terdapat kontrol aliran udara
- Dapat digunakan pada kondisi basah, kering, & meniupkan angin
- Mudah ditempatkan/irit tempat
FREE Aksesoris:
- Water Brush
- Assorted Brush
- Flexible Hose Pipe
- Sponge
- Paper Bag
- Plastic Tube
Power : 220V - 240V 50/60 Hz
Daya Listrik : 850 Watt
Kabel Power : 3,5 Meter
Kapasitas Tangki : 7 Lt
Berat Bersih : 4,6 Kg
Ukuran Kemasan : 28 x 28 x 43cm
Berat : 6.300 Gram
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
TP-LINK TL-PA4010P KIT AV600 Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit
TP-LINK TL-PA4010P KIT AV600 Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit
AV600 Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit
- Data transmission rates upgraded to 600Mpbs1 over electrical wires, ideal for HD video streaming
- Integrated power socket making sure that no power outlet is going to waste
- Plug and play design and easy encryption on a push of pair button
- Power-Saving Mode automatically reduces power consumption by up to 85%2
What This Product Does
The TL-PA4010P KIT turns your existing powerline into a high speed network with no need for new wires or drilling. No configuration is required, simply plug your adapter into your power socket and you can establish networking infrastructure in a flash. In additon, its integrated power socket makes sure that no power outlet is going to waste. With speeds up to 600Mbps and 300 meters over the household electric wires, the TL-PA4010P KIT is a great choice for an easy to build multimedia entertainment network.
Upgraded to 600Mbps, 300 Meters
With advanced HomePlug AV technology, the TL-PA4010P KIT can provide users with a stable high-speed data transmission rates of up to 600Mbps over a household electric circuit for up to 300 meters. the TL-PA4010P KIT is a great choice for a whole home solution to connect all network compatible devices--from computers and game consoles to set-top boxes for IPTV to printers and NAS hard drives.
Berat : 800 Gram
Harga (Update November 2018) : Rp. 485.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
AV600 Passthrough Powerline Starter Kit
- Data transmission rates upgraded to 600Mpbs1 over electrical wires, ideal for HD video streaming
- Integrated power socket making sure that no power outlet is going to waste
- Plug and play design and easy encryption on a push of pair button
- Power-Saving Mode automatically reduces power consumption by up to 85%2
What This Product Does
The TL-PA4010P KIT turns your existing powerline into a high speed network with no need for new wires or drilling. No configuration is required, simply plug your adapter into your power socket and you can establish networking infrastructure in a flash. In additon, its integrated power socket makes sure that no power outlet is going to waste. With speeds up to 600Mbps and 300 meters over the household electric wires, the TL-PA4010P KIT is a great choice for an easy to build multimedia entertainment network.
Upgraded to 600Mbps, 300 Meters
With advanced HomePlug AV technology, the TL-PA4010P KIT can provide users with a stable high-speed data transmission rates of up to 600Mbps over a household electric circuit for up to 300 meters. the TL-PA4010P KIT is a great choice for a whole home solution to connect all network compatible devices--from computers and game consoles to set-top boxes for IPTV to printers and NAS hard drives.
Berat : 800 Gram
Harga (Update November 2018) : Rp. 485.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
Sabtu, 24 November 2018
TotoLink S808 8 Port 10/100Mbps Desktop Switch
TotoLink S808 8 Port 10/100Mbps Desktop Switch
TOTOLINK S808 Switch 8 Port 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch adalah 8 port unmanaged switch yang dilengkapi dengan 8 port 10/100 switch dengan auto MDI/MDIX support dalam setiap port, switch ini dapat eliminasi kebutuhan kabel crossover atau port untuk uplink.
Dapat meneruskan dan filter packets untuk keluaran yang maksimum. Setiap port dapat digunakan sebagai port umum atau uplink ports dan sangat mudah, plug and play.
Selain itu, sangat mudah untuk plug ke dalam server, menggunakan hub atau switch dengan straight cable atau crossover cable.
Berat : 400 Gram
Harga ( Updated November 2018 ) : Rp. 88.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
TOTOLINK S808 Switch 8 Port 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch adalah 8 port unmanaged switch yang dilengkapi dengan 8 port 10/100 switch dengan auto MDI/MDIX support dalam setiap port, switch ini dapat eliminasi kebutuhan kabel crossover atau port untuk uplink.
Dapat meneruskan dan filter packets untuk keluaran yang maksimum. Setiap port dapat digunakan sebagai port umum atau uplink ports dan sangat mudah, plug and play.
Selain itu, sangat mudah untuk plug ke dalam server, menggunakan hub atau switch dengan straight cable atau crossover cable.
Berat : 400 Gram
Harga ( Updated November 2018 ) : Rp. 88.000,-
Belanja Online Klik Disini:
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